It was a hot afternoon of the 2nd of may, when Angela, the cleaning lady of Saint Mary’s school, found the dead body of a teacher in the bathroom. At first, she didn’t know who he was, but as she got nearer and nearer, she realised that it was Mr Peeta’s body.

Right after, she went to Marco, the headmaster, who immediately called the police:

  • Hi, I am Marco Simpson, the headmaster of the school
  • Hello, my name is Ryan O’Connell, the one who is in charge of this case, and this is my partner Sarah Salvatore. We are going to resolve the crime as soon as possible.
  • First of all, where is the body? – said Sarah
  • Follow me.

Once in the toilet, Marco told the detectives that it had been Angela who discovered the dead body so Ryan and Sarah decided to interview Angela for knowing what the principal witness knew about the crime.

  • How did you find the body?
  • It was around 5 pm. I had to clean the top floor toilet when I found it. At first I didn’t know who it was but then I realised it was Mr Peeta’s body. I was really shocked. I had never seen something like that before.
  • Do you know what it could have been?
  • Well, I think he was trying to throw up in the wc because he was near it so maybe something he has eaten may had made him feel badly.
  • Where does he usually eat?
  • Oh, he always eats at the school canteen.


  • Oh, wait please.
  • (On the phone)
  • Hello, it’s Dr Mikaelson, the result from the autopsia says that the reason for the death has been a food poisoning but I  don’t know yet why was it caused. I will let you know more things as soon as possible.
  • Thank you very much doctor. – said

The detective thanked Angela and got straight away to the school canteen to talk to Jessica, the cook. The cook is a young woman very sweet and very nice to everybody. She used to eat with Mr. Peeta because they were always the last to have lunch so they always ate together. The thing was that every Tuesday, Mr Peeta used to eat alone because he had lessons in the afternoon so he had to eat early. So someone must know the fact that they didn’t used to eat together on Tuesday. The detectives told her that he had died and that the cause of the death had been a food poisoning. Suddenly she started crying. She was so sorry and affected by his death. She promised that she hadn’t been the murderer


  • It’s doctor Mikaelson again, the poison was in the salt.
  • Okay, thank you for the information

(Conversation between Sarah and the detective)

  • Who can know what’s Mr Peeta timetable?
  • The headmaster of course, let’s talk to him

(Lately in the headmaster office)

  • Mr Simpson you know all the teacher’s timetable right?
  • Yes, of course
  • Well, have you had a good relationship with Mr Peeta?
  • The same relation as with other teachers.
  • How can you describe him?
  • I have to be true I never really talk to him outside school but as I’m concerned he is an amazing teacher he really helped my daughter.
  • No more questions for now thank you.

         (Outside the headmaster office)      

     “OMG I’m so frustrated. We are right at the same stage as the beginning” said  detective O’connell

  • Wait! What was the last thing that Mr Simpson said?
  • That Mr Peeta helped her daughter a lot?
  • Yes! We have to talk to her.

(When the classes finished they stopped Eugyn when she was picking up her things)

  • Hello do you need something? She asked
  • Yes, we are here to ask you a few questions about Mr Peeta
  • Mr…Mr Peeta? (She caught)
  • Yes about his murdered.
  • About his what?!?! (She had a scary, white face)
  • Your father told us that you have had a good relation with him.
  • Yes he really helped me with his clases, sending me works and doing specific classes at this exact hour.
  • Oh, so you used to spend too much time with him.
  • We could said that.
  • Do you know if he had an enemy or someone who wasn’t his favourite person?
  • The rumors said that Mr David and Peeta don’t really like each other. He must be in the teachers’ room, if you need him.

(Eugyn’s best friend, Martha, comes into the room)

  • Oh hey! Sorry to interrupt, I was just looking for Eugyn, but I’ll come back later.
  • No worries young lady – said Sarah Salvatore – Did you know Mr Peeta?
  • Yes, why? – she answered nervously-
  • Just asking, we are the detectives in charge of his murder.
  • His what?
  • Murder, we found his body at 5pm where were you at that time?
  • Mmm.. Oh! We were together coming from my house as we had clases (said pointing Eugyn)
  • Okey, when was the last time you two saw him?
  • I think at 11am when we had classes together.
  • That is all for now.

(The detectives went out of the room, but they didn’t go too far away so they could listen to their conversation)

(Inside the room conversation between Martha and Eugyn)

  • OMG, i can’t believe he is dead.
  • Eugyn, I really have to tell you something..  (she said crying)
  • What’s going on, Martha?
  • Oh, nothing nothing. Just forget about it.
  • Okey, I have to go but later you have to tell me everything. See you.

The detectives came again into the room and talked to Martha.

  • We have heard all the conversation. What do you have to say about that. We are talking about a murder.
  • But please, don’t tell anyone. ( She didn’t sound very convinced). Eugyin and Mr Peeta had a romance… So she didn’t tell you the whole story.

(The detectives went out of the room when Mr David passed)

  • Hold on, one second
  • Who are you? I am busy right now
  • This is important. Did you have a good relationship with Mr Peeta?
  • Why are you asking that? Do you really mind?
  • Of course we are investigating his murder
  • That jerk deserved it, he was looking for it.
  • What are you saying that?
  • He had argued this morning with the headmaster, ask him. I left them alone continuing the discussion.

Sara and Ryan went again to the headmaster office

  • Mr David told us that you three had a discussion this morning. What do you have to say?
  • Oh haha typical discussions about school. But things turned weird, so i left them alone.



The detectives now have a list of suspects:

  1. Mr David, because of the discussion and their bad relationship.
  2. Martha, she seemed to be jealous of Mr Peeta love interest.
  3. The director, because of the things that didn’t tell the police.
  4. Eugyn, as their secret relationship that was starting to be discovered.

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