A Murder in New York
Mary was watching The News a monday morning before going to work, when suddenly the news reporter said: “A man called David Hijon disappeared on Friday, the last time people saw him was at the nightclub on Friday in Brooklyn. He was with some coworkers, so if anyone sees him call to this number 5678988784 immediately please.”
After hearing this, Mary got really nervous, David was his coworker and now he could be dead.
-Johnny, Oh my God, this can’t be real!
-What´s up?
-David has disappeared and police is trying to find him.
-No way!
John and Mary were really worried but they decided to go to work.
When they arrived to the Empire State Building everyone was talking about David. Finally they were at the office and they started to talk with their coworkers. The only topic that was being talked was David, David and more David. The boss arrived and everyone stopped talking.
-Good morning Mr Seraphim.
-Good morning guys. You probably know that David disappeared and anyone knows where is he, but at 10am police is coming and they will ask you some questions about David and everyone have to tell all you know about him, I hope you can help them with the case.

-Good morning guys, I’m the detective Gordon. Now I need that everyone stays in this room and we will call and talk with each one of you.

Gordon was a bit nervous, it was his first case as the boss of the police and he didn’t know if he was going to be able to solve the case.

The detective Gordon went to a different room with two of his policies, Rodick and George, who were going to take note of people’s declaration.
-Boss I think you musn´t be nervous it might not be a difficult case.
-I know, but my reputation is in game and we must work hard, if we don’t find the murderer we can be out of the job, do you get me?
-Yes, Mr Gordon we will do our best.

While police were talking in the office, the atmosphere in the office was really weird. Some people like John or Mary looked sad but others were really relaxed and didn’t look worried.

John was called by the police:
-Good morning Mr John.
-Good morning.
-John, I know that it’s a difficult moment for you, but we need to make you a few questions. So, tell me, how was your relationship with John?
-Well, It was really good, we used to go to all the New York City matches together and also we met out of work.
-Okey, how was his relationships with the coworkers?
-In general it was good but with some of them he didn’t talk too much.
-So, who did he get worse with?
-I think with Daniel, Michael and James. His relation wasn’t good because they used to have discussions about differents issues.
-Do you think they could hurt him?
-I don’t know. That’s your job.
-Thank you John. Call to Daniel, Michael and James please.

John went back to the room and called them.
-Mr Gordon, do think John could be the murderer? -Roddick said.
-I don’t know I think he is hiding something, but we’ll see.

Daniel, James and Michael arrived.
-Good mornings guys.
-Good morning detective.
-So tell me how was your relation with David?
-I think it was more or less okay. I mean we had our pluses and minuses, we had discussions but nothing out of the ordinary.
-And how was his relation with John?
-Well John was really jealous of him because David arrived to the company two years ago and started earning more money than John who had been for four years but the worst thing was that David thought John was his friend because he didn’t realised about what was happening.
-And what about the boss?
-It was probably his best friend, I mean he was the person who called him to work here, and he decided to pay him like the best worker in the office.
-We have to recognise that everyone thought It was a bit injustice but he showed us he was the best in his job.
-Thank you guys, call the boss please.

Out of the room where the detectives were…
-Okay guys I think we did it well guys -Daniel said.
-This Detective is stupid -Michael said.

The boss arrived to the office.
-Good morning Mr Seraphim.
-Good morning -Seraphim said.
-I have talked with your coworkers and everything is really confusing. First I´d like to know about your relation with him.
-I probably was one of his best friends. I got in touch with him because I saw a good potential on him. I knew he could do it better than the rest, that’s why I decided to give him the best salary.
-Do you think were there some people who were jealous about this?
-Of course, his relationship with most of people was really bad. For example, when he wasn’t in the office John used to talk about this when he went to see the matches.
-And what about Daniel, Michael and James?
-Well, It was different they didn’t talk to him and when he talked them they didn’t answer because they considered them of other group. I have to confess that Daniel had one time an argument with him because he didn’t like to receive orders from him.
-But, did they have more argues?
-It wasn’t something really frequent but they have had around three argument in this two years.

The detective Gordon was arriving into a conclusion: the murderer had to be in the office.
He knew it has to be Daniel or John, but suddenly he realised it could be a suicide and he asked the last question.

-Seraphin do you think it could have been a suicide ?
-Yes, it is an option because his atmosphere at home wasn’t really good ,their parents got divorced one year ago and his girlfriend broke up with him.


Writers: Lucía Castel, Álvaro Blanca and Jesús Garcia.

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